Sunday, March 6, 2016


When it comes to my taste in films, I'm not easy to satsfy. If anyone asked me, I wouldn't be able to point to my 10/10 movie. Most likely because I haven's seen one like this yet.
I was really suprised when my close friend told me to watch movie about Stephen Hawking  but what did I have to lose right ? Today I'm really glad I trusted her because this movie ended up on my "worth watching" list.
"The Theory of Everything" is a biographical drama movie directed by James Marsh that tells a story of famous physicist Stephen Hawking. Everthing begins in 1963 in Cambridge Uniwersity when Stephen (Eddie Redmayne) started his education and met the love of his life. While doing what he did best his muscles began to fail. Later on he learns that he has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also known as ALS. Short after realising that his time is limited Stephen and his girlfriend Jane (Felicity Jones) decide to get married. Stephen also pursued his research about physics and black holes which gave him enough strangth not to give up and fight with illnes.
This story is one of the best combination of drama and romance. It shows everthing is possible even when no body believes in you. It is moving, exciting and breathtaking. Music and acting style is simply magnificent. It shreds your feelings into small peaces. What more can you possibly want from a drama movie ? 
As I said there are not lots of movies I can recommend to everyone but without doubt "The Theory of Everything" is one of them. It's not important how old are you or what kind of movies do you prefer, I quarantee you will fall in love with this movie and it's more than worth it. I give it strong 8/10.

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