Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Everything changes constantly. People, habits and priorities are progressing over the years. 
One of the most common thing you can hear talking about differences between generations is understanding social medias. Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest - those are just a few from a very long list. The idea is simple - create your virtual self by adding photos, videos and statuses to your profile. But reality is not that simple. Unfortunately people like to change everything into a contest. Everyone wants to to popular even if it means that you change a bit here and there. The problem is, you stop realising when you change to much and your profile becomes a profile of someone completely different. 

Instagram is a really good example. Constant fight over likes and followers. People find more and more ways to "become better". Promoting profiles is the most common. A little bit less popular is buying followers or likes. Just by sending one text you can get some fake followers ( 10 zł for 1000 followers ) 
I believe that understanding why is very important. I have my own theory. It's all about insecurities. If your friend posted a picture that got more likes that the one you posted you start to wander why. Maybe because your hair looks flat or your make-up is not the best but in that moment your insecurities are talking instead of you. And next time you will take a better picture, maybe you will not like it as much as the last one but it will get more likes. I believe that's how social medias change us.
Not long ago I read an article that frightened me. According to that  80% of young people between 16 and 20 years old is unhappy about their lives. As a reason are given social medias.
While scrolling through your feed you start notice that  your life is not as "good" as you thought it was. Ofcourse it's not right. Everyone tries to look their best on social medias. Perfect hair and perfect clothes are just a part of someone's life. What's not visible on those photos is what's underneath.
What I believe is really important is knowing that you are not define by numbers . You shouldn't be bothered with anyone else but what you think. It probably will sound really cheesy but do what makes you happy. Those are the best words to live by. 

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